Thursday 30 June 2011

3 word story *FILLER BLOG - INCOMPLETE!!!*

Well, last night, Lavin, Adam, Mary and I decided to write a story 3 words each, taking it in turns, this is how far we've gotten, and it's incomplete:

Twice upon the moon, the shoes sprung queerly unto feet to feast with buffalo. Mighty Beard, the main character in our story, shaved, the shavings falling from the city of New Moonia carved tiny sexy figurines of squatting Garden Gnomes. The City, far far in front of a towering mountain of shit, concealed a mild secret surrounded by cheesy goodness. Some would say that the secret about cheese, could lead alomost promisingly to conclusions that brie, in fact, leads to temporal fluxes in time and space. Captain Mighty (now beardless) wonders the atmosphere with his companion Captain Goatee who has excitable testicles (an unfortunate ailment that he suffers from), laments his testicles being so excitable and unpredictably volatile. The shoes, feasting on broken routers wonder collectively and smile, reflecting upon their tongues, or lack thereof. 

Life on the Moon can often become dull leading to high suicide rates amongst pigeons and moon pigs which are in no way related to any online based card manufacturing company. 

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