Sunday, 31 July 2011

The General Public.

Okay, I'm not even going to beat around the bush. I'm just going to throw it out there: I absolutely detest the general public with every single fibre of my being. And as far as I can tell, most people do. I've got to say though, I don't want people to think I'm missing the HUGE amount of irony in this statement. As overall, I'm a member of the "general public"; we all are. But I'm talking about people who aren't me. Yeah, I'm going there.

I mean, no, I don't hate everyone that isn't exactly like me, or that doesn't like the same things as me. If we were all the same, life would be boring as fuck, and interesting as fuck things like this blog would never be written. But look at the general public, just look at them... Doesn't it make you physically sick?

For starters, who the fuck is "Jack Wills" and why is his name on 80% of the general public's t-shirts at the moment? It's the same with Hollister. These fucking T-shirts seem to be all people wear! To me, it just looks like people dressing up as sheep and following the crowd of what is accepted by the general public. I detest fashion. Oscar Wilde once said "Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months", and is that not the truth? I don't think there's any way of altering that quote to make it more accurate than it already is. I mean, I don't dress unfashionably (if that's a word; if it's not, it is now). I wear Jeans and black band t-shirts / dark joke t-shirts. But let's face it; I'm not exactly Gok-Wan. People who obsess over this Jack Wills douche and Hollister shite, are just wasting their money on stupidly-priced clothes for no reason, other than to look more like that other idiot that wasted their money. Fuck fashion.

Another thing abut the general public, is this. Go out on a Friday night. I fucking DARE you. go on... go to the pub. Count the smutty women, and the douche-bag men lava'd up in Lynx Africa, all out on the pull. I was talking to my friend about them last night, and we're convinced that some of these men are genuinely mentally handicapped, whilst the majority of them are just borderline retarded. Looking around on a night out makes me ashamed to call myself human. I was even approached last night by one of these sub-human oafs (the male variety), who was engaging in communication with me in a feeble attempt to procure some "powder". Were he less muscular, more intelligent and less intoxicated, I might have made some kind of witty remark or joke. My senses of course kicked in, and motioned me to politely tell the man I didn't know, take a sip of my beer and light another cigarrette. Moronic member of the general public: 1, Spudguy: 0.

Now, we've affirmed that I am in no way a fashionable being, nor am I unfashionable. But let's talk about someone we all hate: Hipsters. These people are just another way to conform to a fashion. I only mention hipsters because my rambling of how much I hate "the mainstream" can imply that I share some kind of similarities in the mindset of a hipster. This is not the case: I just really hate everyone. There's a couple of styles I *DO* like, but that's my personal taste, and these genres are not better than anyone else by raw fact (but in my personal opinion, I find them to be nicer people in general, and I would rather talk to them than the Jack Wills guy sitting across the room). But Metalheads, Goths & Punks all have the best dress sense (in my opinion, again). I mean, they don't ALL wear the same T-shirts, have the same hair-styles or dress to impress. They wear things that they like, and that's all that matters. The mainstream public has a lot to learn from this particular demographic.

And that, I will stress: DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT PEOPLE THINK. Wear what YOU like the look of, not what your Mum, your boyfriend, your girlfriend or your dog likes. (Okay, maybe listen to the dog) You are your own person. Treat yourself as such.

Also, I've blogged (unsucessfully) about this before: But my God, I hate mainstream chart music bullshit. "OOOH, RADIO 1 ARE PLAYING THIS SONG LET'S ALL BUY IT AND BE THE SAME! EVEN THOUGH IT SOUNDS LIKE THAT SONG I BOUGHT THE OTHER DAY BUT WITH DIFFERENT WORDS!!!". Fuck off. Chart music is NOT music, but factory line drugs to numb the minds of the masses and keep them happy. Why do you think chart music is all about relationships or minor shit, never about politics or religion? Hell, Slipknot may sound like mindless rage to someone who doesn't know them, but listen to the words in some of the songs, powerful shit. Same with System of a Down, Rage Against the Machine, Rise Against. You know what? I'm going to stop there. But before I do, I want you to know: it's fine to listen to mainstream music, as long as you KNOW it's just there to numb your mind out a little.

I'm going to the cinema now to see Captain America. I'm going to post this as an incomplete blog and finish it later tonight. If you have any questions, tweet me or FB me whilst I'm out and I'll answer them in this blog. Ask me for my opinions on shit or something. Hell, tell me stories about the general public and why you hate them! I'll post it. :3

Back soon.

1 comment:

  1. Very stereotypical post, whilst also showing slight jelousy towards some of the people you say you don't like, if you don't like these people why write a blog about it, leave them be and enjoy your own style.
