Saturday, 9 January 2010

Happy New Year...?

Well, this is it. My first blog of the year. Decade, even. What do I have to say? Well, a fair bit. So let the ramblings of a bored college student begin;

Christmas and New Years are over. Done and dusted for over 11 months now. Christmas had it's ups and downs. A few realisations came to my mind on a day that's meant to be made for happiness etc etc. But that's not important. Had a good day with family. Only thing that matters. Christmas eve, I got very drunk and stayed out until 3am. So, no complaints there.

New year's eve eve (i.e. the night before new year's eve) was fantastic. Lavin and Matt were back from uni, we went pubbing and I had one of the most memorable nights ever with them. I forgot how fun it was when we all get together. I very much look forward to more nights like that in the summer of 2010.

I've not really done mush the week since new years. I've done my shifts at Morrisons, but decided not to risk going to college due to snow. I did, however go and see Avatar. Which I would rate 7.5/10. It's a very good film, it does live up to the hype, but in my opinion, only from a technical standpoint. The plot is good, yes. It's slow in places, bot not so slow that it became dull. It just seems very long. It took a lot of ideas from a lot of other films and historical events, alongside a very obvious reference to the Iran/Irac/Wherever the fuck we are now situation. (Spoiler: Unobtanium = Oil). It I think it took the ideas quite well and altered them enough not to be a rip off. Really, you need to see it for yourself to judge it.

I've also been getting into the Millennium Trilogy by the late Steig Larson. I won't go into the details, as there's so many different mini plots that it'd take too long to explain and I really can't be arsed. I've so far read the first two books and am currently reading the third. I've just about 10 minutes ago finished watching the second movie too. The second movie is better than the first, but so's the second book. I'll see what happens in the third after I've finished reading it.

One thing that really, REALLY pisses me off, is the fact that these books contain genuinely interesting plots, fantastic character development, political issues, moral uncertainties and very clever little sub plots which eventually all weave together, and you can pretty much guarantee that a lot of people haven't actually heard of the trilogy. Whereas shit like the Twilight Saga has become immensely popular both at the box office and book stores. "Stephanie Meyer can't write worth a damn" - Words from the mouth of Stephen King. The books are popular only because they were targeted directly to teenage girls who will get wet over the thought of Edward Cullen's giant fucking forehead bobbing up and down between their legs. The books have been whored out to teenage girls to no end, and it's pissing me off that now people like it just because it's "cool". I swear to fucking God, I will smack the next person I hear say "TEAM EDWARD" or "TEAM JACOB" right in the fucking nose. You all need to get a grip on reality grow the fuck up.

Right, Twifag rant over.

For Christmas, I have acquired "Command and Conquer: The First Decade". It's been staring at me ever since I got it, but I haven't had a chance to play it yet, due to college work (Which I've mostly done now. Just one more part for Comm Tech =] ), so I think I might go and give it a whirl soon. It's a tough choice though, as I also got given "C&C3: Kane's Wrath" and I don't know what I want to play first. :(

Season 8 of 24 is set to return soon, I'm thinking of posting mini-reviews of that here after each episode. But I'm uncertain as to whether or not people will read it. Post comments either here or on my Facebook wall and let me know if you want it?

And more awesome news; Download Festival '10 is only 5 months away. Tenacious D are working on a new album. Iron Man 2 is out this year. Kick-Ass looks, well, kick ass. Final Fantasy XIII is out in March. I actually booked holiday time from work for this, along with plans to get all my coursework at college in early. Is that sad? I've had 4/5 conditional offers from university, just waiting for a reply from Coventry now. My Driving test is on the 28th of this month. Uhm... I'm running out of shit to say now. OH!

Big Brother. Well, Celebrity Bight Brother is on at the moment. I missed it last night due to having no power at all in the house for 5 hours, but it's fucking great, isn't it? Normally I hate it. But c'mon, if you put someone like Basshunter in there, and Vinne Jones, I'm going to watch the shit out of it. I'm not sure who I love more, Vinnie or Jonas (Basshunter), or the fact that I stumbled across some nudes of Katia online? This is a show that's actually worth a look if you haven't done already.

Also, Cafe World on Facebook. I appear to have become, how shall I put it? Addicted. I don't know what it is. The code is sloppy at best, it somehow uses 1gb of RAM and puts my PC into some kind of arthritic state whilst it's running, but it's REALLY addictive. I'm climbing the ranking ladder quite fast too. That's what 1337 skillz do. [Note to self; go back to CS:S and demonstrate 1337 skillz once more.]

Well, apart from a few VERY boring things, I think you gaiz are now more or less up to date on my life. other than the fact that I'm now on a few dating sites and have actually established communication with someone. Early days though; nothing to really report on.

Stay frosty marines.

1 comment:

  1. Avatar was not just good from a technical standpoint. The vivid creative imagery that realised the world was what made it such an immersive experience. And dude, you buy porn mags. That's no better or worse than girls buying twilight... Just as long as people don't claim it's literature :P
    "Well, apart from a few more VERY boring things, I think you gaiz are now more or less up to date on my life." fixed
