Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Life is dragging...

Oh dear, you're thinking. Another depressing blog from the king of angst. Well, not completely. This one's going to have you thinking about a lot of shit afterwards. So I'll start with the compulsory update on the shitfest that is my life.

It was Valentines the other day. I had plans with someone, but she backed out. I'm not sure what happened, if she chose to or if she couldn't. Either way, there's been no attempt made to arrange new plans by her, and I'm most certainly not going to ask her again. I'll look like a fucking stalker, or at the very least, clingy. I'm getting a bit sick of this shit. Since my very poor acceptance of the break-up I went through with my ex, there have been a handful of women; there's the girl at Download Festival, who kept weed in her bra, spent 4 hours with me, we kissed, then I lost her in the crowd after Slipknot. There's the girl with that quite large chin, who I met a week after my 18th birthday. I remember kissing her as "dry and sticky", yet still couldn't get her to reply to a fucking text. Then the girl at the bus-stop who I used the power of confidence on; got her number, facebook and all that jazz. Spoke to her for a couple of hours that night, then she just stopped replying to me. She still texts me to say "merry Christmas" etc and hasn't deleted my Facebook, but... wtf? I swear I'm some kind of woman repellent. The most action I've gotten since the break-up is with Mark Kennedy. Which I'm sure many people remember vividly, but I (fortunately) only know what I saw in the video.

I'm thinking of dieting. I was (literally) just talking to a friend about it, and he claims he feels amazing after just a few weeks. Cutting out anything over 4g of Saturated fat and keeping below his RDA. Simple. Worth a try, isn't it?

The most I've been doing over the past couple of days is just sitting on the computer with literally nothing to do. Normally I have a TV show or a Movie to watch, but not recently. It's just been CoD, or Facebook with a bit of music. I got Star Trek Online, but fucking hell is that boring! That's right. I admit it. STO is more boring than talking to an old woman at the bus stop for hours on end about why she's at the bus stop, and her explaining the weird ache she has on the bottom of her foot. I just honestly fail to find anything exciting about it! The combat is just hitting the space bar over and over, then ctrl+space, then tab and repeat! It's dull.

I've got a party to go to on Friday. Perhaps this might lead to something phenominal. Like maybe touching a girls breast again. That'll probably give me something new for the wank-bank to keep me entertained for a couple more months, until even that becomes stagnant and boring like all the current material in there is. I figure it took me 16 and a half years to find one woman (albeit a fucking whore) to be stupid and desperate enough to have sex with me. So, the next time I hope to have sex will be one of two ages; 33, which will be 16.5 years after the first time I entered the sexual relationship, or 34 and a half - 16.5 years after the last time I had sex. Who knows? One thing I know for sure is that right now, it's completely pointless to even attempt anything with women. I have 0.000001% chance of success.

So what am I doing right now? I'm listening to AC/DC. Trying to get excited about Download '10. Which I'm sure if you know me, you know I'm very much looking forward to. It's the only time of year that literally NOTHING matters, short of really loud music and fun. And perhaps I can maybe get some too. (Ha.) But I'm in one of those moods that nothing can really get me out of, except maybe getting a call off a nice single girl asking to meet up. But yeah, like that will happen.

I've got nothing to do, no one to see and a shitload of sexual frustration. In my eyes, a girlfriend would resolve all of those problems.

--end of teen angst--

Right, so I promised you DEPTH to this blog. I promised you something to think about. And I'm not one to lie. Am I?

But there is one thing; I have NO idea what I can write about. Literally. I just said it to keep you reading, and now that you actually have read up to here, I'm afraid I might disappoint you.

Bioshock 2 came out last week. It was in a word; Fantastic. But it lasted all of 6 hours and now I'll likely very rarely, if ever, play it again. It's like Batman: Arkham Asylum all over again. I pay £34.99 for a game that lasts 6 hours. I get paid £6.12 an hour. That equates to 5.7 hours work, for something that lasts 6 hours. FIVE POINT SEVEN hours. That's almost an entire shift for me. Money I could have spent on a driving lesson. But instead I bought a game that though amazing, was only 6 hours in length. They're also confirmed to be making a Bioshock 3. That'll probably be 6 hours also. Why not make a 12 hour game, and release that? Oh shit, yeah... Money. God forbid the don't keep their holiday homes, BMWs and huge TVs.

More games coming out next month; Heavy Rain, Final Fantasy XIII & God of War III. They're £40 each (average, FFXIII I'm getting the SE, so it's £59.99).
£140 on games in one month.

But let's compare the time spent; Heavy rain is likely to be 10 - 12 hours, and will be different with every play through. Worth it? Definitly.

GoW III - The last 2 took me 12 hours each. Worth it then? Yes.

And finally, FF:XIII - Expected to have literally HUNDREDS of side mission hours, and 30 - 40 hours of story. Let's work that out, as the standard copy, with a price tag of £40. On my wages, that's 6.5 hours work, which is more than I'd need to work for Bioshock, yes. But with 24 more hours (MINIMUM) out of it.

If Square Enix can afford to make games longer, for more or less the same price, why can't 2K? Or Infinity Ward for that matter? (Though I'll let them off, CoD online give unlimited play time)

There's your thought guys. Enjoy.


  1. this post looks a little lonely with no comments, so I'll comment. come up to Naarwich, I'll buy you a drink to compensate for my non attendence at your booty fest.

  2. You could post as many comments as you like and it'd still look lonely ;P

  3. Don't forget to cut out the carbs, they turn into fat somehow through magic :)
