Friday, 19 March 2010

I am ashamed, angry and disgusted.

Look at this fucking blog. Just look, read what kind of shit I've been rambling on about. Fucking boo hoo, I've not no girlfriend. Boo hoo, I fall out with my friends sometimes. Who gives a fuck!? More importantly, why did I?

Let me explain. I've spent the last few days watching educational insights into the world we live in.
The first one, I urge everyone to watch;

It's somewhat slow to begin with. But my God, you need to see it. You will learn more about this fucking disgusting , depraved society than you thought was possible. You may choose to believe it, you may not. But regardless, it's completely worth thinking about.

The second video is a sequel to the first. But even more empowering and disgusting. You don't need to watch them right now, or in one go, but you DO need to watch them.

Now, the latest I have seen is one you're likely not familiar with; Network. Unfortunately, the irony in this one is that you must pay for the DVD, but for £3.75 [], it's affordable . It's simply amazing. If you know how to torrent it, do so. In fact, torrent everything. Pay for nothing. Why should these huge companies, like Amazon,, Sony, HMV Panasonic and countless more massive corporations profit from your need for awareness? I say fuck them.

But of course, it's not that easy, is it? We're stuck in a society in which we're FORCED to give money to these people, to make those few at the top massively richer than the masses. We're essentially an enslaved society with no real acknowledgment of this. We need to make noise, to unite and let them know we're angry, we're unhappy and for fuck sake we're not going to take this SHIT anymore!

Everything we know, is fed to us through this fucking tube. So much is hidden from us that we're essentially infants. Think about it. What do you KNOW, that you haven't learned from the news? From the education system? It's all filtered as to not make us angry. Or rebel.

Music, freedom of speech, books - This is unfiltered means of media. Although we're still thrown the shitty fucking emo bullshit, the UK top 40 charts that sing about women, drugs, alcohol, money, love and all that shit. There are still bands that don't conform to this media bullshit. Few examples come to mind; Rage Against the Machine, A Perfect Circle + a hell of a lot more than that. LISTEN to the lyrics in Rage songs. They're fucking true, powerful and they make you angry. That's all you need to do. Get angry and voice your anger!

Do you want to know the truth? Do you want to know the REAL truth of the society we're in? Well, here it is. Our lives, are essentially worthless. Think about it, what will you achieve in your life? You'll get a job, repeat the same monotonous tasks for years to come, maybe get married, have kids, grow old and die. Yes, you've been "happy", or have you? Think back to the idea of the media. Love, is another method of control given to us via the media. The sad thing is, that Love is real. It exists and when it does, it's amazing. But it's being used against us as another way of control. That life I've just explained, the one you will live; what have you DONE? You've been a drone. A slave. A fucking puppet. Staying silent and accepting things as being "Just the way they are".

No. I will not accept this.

You need to get mad, you need to get ANGRY! You need to let the people in charge that we want VALUE in our lives. We want to be WORTH something.

I can type about this all day, but moderation must be had. Expect more like this.


  1. I'm MAD AS HELL, and I'm NOT gonna take it anymore!

  2. Your talking about things I've known about for years.

    The new world order is comming, which will give us, the ignorant mass's less purpose than ever.

    I feel you should probably watch this.

    Also, when you have watched it, I can tell you how to get around this disgusting life, But what you need to remember is that this solution is only for the individual, we can't change nothing around us except ourselves.


  3. Started watching your video Kikojui... most of it is going straight over my head. I'm studying business as half of my Degree course so I'll go back when I understand a bit more about the stock market, wall street, all the terminology.
    What are the first two videos in the blog jacob? I'm guessing Zeitgeist, and something else?
