Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Awesome things of the now!

OH SHI- How the fuck are you guys doing?

So, this is going to be the first of my new blogging style, I hope you like it and decide it might be worth spreading the word about.

So, first blog. I've been racking my brains, and racking my brains, and then I decided that I should should just fucking do it. So here it is, my top 10 things in life at the moment. Hopefully you'll like them just as much as I do;

10. Epic Meal Time

I've been watching these guys for a few months now, and they are one of the best youtube series going. If you've not heard of them, watch the above video and look them up! You'll more than likely get as hooked as me and my flatmates did.

9. Minecraft

Minecraft, if you don't know what it is, I have no idea why you're reading my blog, as you probably don't know me. The above image is a picture taken from my server, which has a few friends on it where we go kinda mental with what we make. From left to right in the picture is: Fritzl's House, The (currently incomplete) Gherkin Building & A random Skyscraper. The server's constantly being built upon. Hit me up with a message if you want to join. :)

8. The Yogscast

One of the only things better than playing Minecraft, is watching these guys play Minecraft. They update their videos fairly frequently, and have become a pretty big name in some circles now. They don't just play Minecraft, however. They've just started a series on Portal 2's co-op, and it's not too bad. One thing I will warn you though, is that if you watch them, you'll soon be calling everyone 'friend' going "Awwwhhhh!!" a lot. Clicky-click for the link to the first season of their Minecraft series.

7. Loud Music

Well, I've been away from my flat & decent speakers for a month. Now that I'm back, these speakers are on high for most of the time, listening to all kinds of stuff. I'm trying to get pumped for Download Festival, but there's a lot of the Sucker Punch Soundtrack going on too. <3 Having the ability to listen to good quality music at a high volume is something I'll never take for granted again. It's fantastic. :D

 6. Reading

 Eh, this seems a little fucking boring, amidst internet memes and general boring-ness. But I've recently started doing something I've been wanting to do a lot of for years: Reading more. I only started a couple of weeks ago, and it's only before I go to bed, but it's a start. I've so far read 1984 (Absolutely amazing book), Let the Right One In (Movie reviews coming soon for the Swedish & American Movies + How they compare to the book) & I've just stated an old one called "Cold Shoulder". After that, I've got Cormac McCarthy's "The Road" lined up.

 5. Modern Family

 It takes a couple of episodes to get *really* into it, but once you do, it's absolutely brilliant. The best sitcom since Arrested Development. I'd definitely recommended it to anyone. :)


4. Friendship

Right, this is where shit gets really kind of fucking homosex. But I really do have to throw some love out to all of my friends (you know who you are). You guys are just great, in every single way possible. Without you guys, I really wouldn't be who I am today, so thank you for that, and for putting up with me regardless if whether I'm being a whining little cunt, or an annoying one. Who needs women when you have friends as good as the lot I have? I am certainly not forever alone.

3. Being myself

Being myself. Enough said. No more will I attempt to change myself, pretend to be something I'm not, or do something I don't want to do to make someone like me more. If people can't take me for me, I don't want to know them. And as arrogant as that might sound, it's true. And it should be true for everyone. Except maybe Justin Beiber. Or Jedward... or Nick Clegg... or Fred Durst... fuck it. Maybe not everyone, but most people! Keep on rockin' on and being yourselves. You're awesome.

2. Freedom

Freedom. Well, that's an interesting word. Are any of us really *free*? No. Well, comparatively to some people we are, but as a society, are we? I don't know. Who knows? That's a bit to deep for what I can be arsed to talk about here atm, but think about it.

What I mean by freedom in terms of this blog though, is that being at Uni, in Flat 33, I am completely free from restraints imposed by living at home. This is just... well, it's like a permanent holiday, aside from the occasional work thrown at me that is. I can go out when I want, come back when I want, make as much noise, have people over. drink all day. Who cares? I'm free from judgement. Perfect. Fucking. Life.

1. Download Festival


The best 5 days of the year, by far. Regardless of whether or not the music is good, the atmosphere remains amazing. This year we have Hollywood Undead, Disturbed, Rob Zombie, System of a Down... Oh God too many to list. But it's going to be amazing.

It seems silly to just keep talking here, because I get too hyped up to really say what I love about it, aside from a kind of shell-shocked state of "Awesome" or something to that effect.

But what I will say, is that Camp Narfuck is going to be the best camp of Download this year. Some many people, many who haven't met, but all there for one thing: The Love of Rock Music. Everyone who's been before: You know how good it is. For everyone who's never been: You have no fucking idea how excited you should be.

Also: Rob Zombie. What?

Oh yes. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

P.s. : Fuck Linkin Park.

- So there we go, short, sweet and refreshingly different. Expect more coming soon. Spread the word & share the love.



Oh, and please click below to give feedback. :) It'll take literally a second. <3

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