Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Blogging about nothing to blog about

So, here I am again, my audience of an assumed number of 0.

I sit here on my netbook, talking to no one in particular about nothing in particular. I am not famous, I am not rich - quite the opposite in fact. I am, for all intents and purposes, completely average.

I go to an Average Uni studying an average course. I don't play any instruments, I don't drive, I don't read as many books as I should, I don't listen to as much music as I should and I spend most of my time on the Internet and/or watching Tv Shows and Movies. My skills lie in Mobile Phones & Computers, which just so happens to be the area I enjoy the most. I'm not especially good in my chosen skill-sets, just above average. I'm not even a good gamer. I am completely average.

This realisation is something that has come about more and more over the past year or so. When I was younger I lived under the illusion that I would become something... special (this illusion still makes itself give me a twinge of optimism in the pit of my stomach from time to time). But the fact is, I'm not. Not many people are. Think how many people have lived throughout History, and how many names still live on. Only truly remarkable people achieve immortality.

That's not to say it isn't worth trying, however. One should NEVER lose hope. Ever. When hope is lost, life will surely follow.

I have spent the past couple of weeks in my Parent's house in my hometown. Doing what? Nothing. I've seen friends from time to time, which helps speed up the process of doing nothing, but regardless, I'm still doing nothing. In fact, the only something I've done is read 1984. A fantastic book indeed, and reading it counted as doing something. Watching the film, did that count as doing something? Or was that doing nothing?

I'm rambling, allow me to explain. I have now acquired a new definition of "doing something" and "doing nothing". Writing this blog, for example, will be my attempt of doing something, but I'm sure it'll end up as me doing nothing. This is because I am attempting to make a blog which people will read, but I'm sure no one will read it. Therefore I've effectively wasted my time in writing it, and done nothing. HOWEVER, should people read this blog, become entertained by it and walk away with something to think about, I would have done something.

My reading 1984, I would consider doing something. I believe reading that book has educated me in some way, or at least given me something to think about which is of relevance to something important. Though if I were to read a Mr. Men book, would that be doing something? Would watching an Episode of a generic fictional TV show being doing something? Surely not. The television show is fiction, watching it, though being entertain, you are NOT being educated, you are NOT thinking. You are merely doing nothing in a way that will make doing nothing seem to go by faster.

If I was able to access my University Account and do some Maths revision, this would be doing something, as I would be working towards my future career, and therefore bettering myself. But if my job ends up being mundane, like working on a checkout for example, I would then have done something, to end up doing nothing and getting paid for doing nothing. But if I were to use my degree that I worked for to create a computer business, that benefited people across the world, that would be doing something.

I'm sure that this blog makes no sense, and I have effectively just spent the last however long it's been doing nothing. But that particular method of doing nothing has just made my session of doing nothing seem to go by a lot faster than it otherwise would have.

Just, next time you go to do something, ask yourself if you'll be doing something, or if you'll be doing nothing. Was reading this doing something? Or was it doing nothing? Try to do at least one thing a day. You'll be a better person for it than if you sit around doing nothing all day. You might even become more than average, or achieve immortality. Like Caeser, Genghis Khan, Mother Theresa, or Ghandi.

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